Weston and Heather Johnson Family

Weston and Heather Johnson Family

Friday, July 31, 2009

Baby Brother is Here!

Thursday I came home about 10:30 PM and Heather was having contractions. I told her to go to bed in hopes they would go away and we could continue our plan to deliver our son next week when Heather's mom will be here (now shes coming tomorrow). As it turns out he came into this world at 5:28 AM this morning, July 31, 2009. I only slept 1 hr last night but I'm doing okay. Laurel stayed with our good friends Matt & Trena Nalley. They live just around the corner and we really appreciate them. Everything went smoothly. By 7:30 AM we were in our room with the baby and all was well. I picked up Laurel later and brought her to the hospital at 2:30PM. My boss Alan from work and his wife Rita were there. Laurel didn't know what to think of baby brother and mommy in a hospital bed. She didn't want to interact with him at first but by the end of the day she spent a good amount of time peering into his bassinet wanting to see him. When Laurel and I pulled into the garage tonight she said, "I'm tired, Daddy" and, " I'm happy to see baby brother."

As a side note you may be wondering why I am referring to him as the Brother of Laurel rather than by his actual name. Well, thats a story for another blogging session. Perhaps tomorrow. Meanwhile here are the pics...


Cuddles, Kisses & Tantrums said...

Congratulations guys! He is beautiful! So glad he is here safe and sound! I've been checking all day for pictures- thanks so much weston for not letting me down!! Enjoy your little miracle. Hugs and love to all!

SMILES2ALL said...

YEAH!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so gald he is here! I have been so excited to see pictures of him. I hope that I will get to hold him soon.

Dubb Days said...

They come when they want to, don't they? He is cute and we can't wait to see him! Glad all is well. Let us know how we can help!

Robin @ Bird On A Cake said...

What wonderful news!!! It is great you have grandma there to help...hope Heather gets to sleep every once in a while. ;0)

BTW...You forgot to tell us how much Nathaniel weighed.