Weston and Heather Johnson Family

Weston and Heather Johnson Family

Monday, June 2, 2008

"Dada? Dada?"

I have cracked up this week watching Laurel chat on the "telephone". She rarely gets to push buttons on the real phone (for fear she may really call someone). When she does find the phone she is delighted and wants to push all the buttons, of course. Thankfully I hear them beeping before she's called China. She gets extremely upset when mommy doesn't let her complete the call and use her jibberish. I finally got tired of hearing her scream after taking the phone away so I substituted it with the DVD remote. She immediately held it up to her ear and said "Dada? Dada?" I said, "say hi to Dada"--she waved her little hand. I'm glad to see she is using her imagination already. If it can be held up to her ear, she is currently using it as a phone and begins chatting...I'm sure she has observed me chat on the phone....Monkey see...Monkey do.


SMILES2ALL said...

its about you got a new post. That picture is SO cute I can't beleave how much she has changed since we saw her last. Love you guys

Zachary, Christen, and Chloe said...

I love that picture. She is getting cuter and cuter. What a little personality she's got! I love it.

Blair and Cindy said...

What a cutie! I'm sure she is, but is she walking now? It's amazing how they LOVE buttons isn't it? Hope things are going well with you!

Cuddles, Kisses & Tantrums said...

That little munchkin has such a personality! I just love her!