Weston and Heather Johnson Family

Weston and Heather Johnson Family

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The fourth picture is....

Okay, so my sister-in-law did the following on her blog: Open your pictures file, go to the fourth folder, and then the fourth picture. Post the picture and write a little bit about what was going on! She did it and came up with a picture of her little boy Jace and my daugher Laurel. When I did it, it was a picture of her son Jace and me. I don't know much about this picture or the story behind it, except that I can guess that it was probably taken during the holiday season after Jace was born. I debated whether I should even post this picture because of how anticlimactic it is but because of the coincidence that my fourth picture is tied to her I will post it.


Cuddles, Kisses & Tantrums said...

I think that it is hilarious that a child of yours loves the beach! Get out your sunscreen Heather. Once a beach lover- always a beach lover! :)

SMILES2ALL said...

Thats so funny how that worked out. Its so weird to see pics of Jace when he was a baby. Its hard to picture him that small now.